Hello! My name is Niloo Mofakhami, and I am a mom, wife, sister, daughter, aunt, niece, cousin, friend, boss, business owner, and pediatric dentist. I was born in Iran, and my parents put their heart and soul into immigrating to the United States when I was 10 so my sisters and I could have a better life. I am a highly motivated and hard-working person who supported herself through college and dental school, has been running a dental practice that I started from scratch, and have been active in many aspects of my community.
I live in the suburbs of Washington, DC, with my husband and two sons. I am an active member of the community in which I grew up. I specifically started my dental practice close to my home so that I could serve my neighbors and friends, creating a smaller community and support network in the midst of a very busy metropolitan area.
After years giving my all to my patients, team, and family, and having gone through cycles of success and burn out being a high achieving individual, I have finally come to the realization that what brings me the most joy is when I feel balanced. When my day is balanced with helping others, spending time with loved ones, doing things that I love, and taking time for myself, I am in harmony with my environment and with those around me.
I started Harmony Advising to help others achieve the necessary peace, joy, and harmony to live a more fulfilling life. My strength is serving professionals who are trying to “do it all.” I have been in your shoes of being a type A, always on-the-go person and am blessed to have the life experience to share with others what has worked for me to get through the overwhelm of daily life. I am intuitive and can sense people’s strengths when they themselves don’t see it. This makes me good at connecting people to resources and to others.